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thivv mgame poopy

can you make the map bigger?

(1 edit)

Good try, but it is way to laggy. Also, The swat has like damm aimbot. I would make a YT video if this gets an update.

i dont think its laggy but i have like a $600 to $700 pc so

Deleted post

sorry, i download this game and i have lag, i have samsung pc and there's lag

Good remake, map is a bit small tho

soruce code pls

how do you get inside the cars

There's a controls text file



Good but sensitivity is too high

Yup depends on the mouse

(2 edits)

Sir I want to learn game development, how can I get started?

you can watch my devlogs or join my discord and ask qs!




Hey there I am your biggest fan bro 

Can you give me tips for making games PLs

so baaaad

I lag but cool game

Thanks! Lag depends how good your computer is :)

(1 edit)

ok :)

It's a good looking game, but if you make it more like GTA, it would be better.

It was made in 1 week for a YouTube video (if you check vid) but thanks! Maybe I’ll do a longer challenge sometime 

Yeah, I also checked your video. It was awesome. The potential of this game is so big, so please make the game bigger and better.

Thanks for checking it out! I'm a bit focused on other games now but given the popularity, I might go back to it again one day



your welcome

android plzzz

I can’t unfortunately as copyrighted for play store also supports android

better than cyberpunk

haha thanks! The cop system is about the same


Great gaem Rockstar Games whould recruit you for the next GTA xD

Haha I wish!

its a good game but laggy

(1 edit)

Thanks! Depends on your computer


